Guided walks and cruises

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Guided walks and cruises are the most sensible ways to “learn” Paris, to really understand Paris and see the best(1).

Guided walks

The guide we offer you fits in your pocket, is available 24 hours a day and is unbeatable value for money. It’s your phone.

Each of our walks is enhanced by historical explanations, anecdotes and other information, just like a human guide. The detailed itineraries are easy to follow. They are punctuated by what we call “Points of Interest”. Self-guided tours usually start at the door of a monument, museum, church or cathedral you may have chosen to visit(2). It allows you to relax after a 2-hour visit inside. And your personal guide is waiting in your pocket, available day and night.

Each walk is a 1 to 3 km circuit lasting 2 to 3 hours. Each one passes through neighborhoods brimming with original and little-known Points of Interest, often absent from official guidebooks. You’ll find 15 to 25 Points of Interest per walk, or one every 150 to 200 m.

(1) Of course, a visit to the museums, monuments and typical sights of France’s capital is usually the main purpose of a stay in Paris. But that’s only part of the richness of Paris, because there’s so much more to see. And it’s through “walks” through its streets and gardens that you can gain a true understanding of Paris and Parisians. It will then be a complement to “practical” history, as well as the history of France, large and small, and anecdotes about the places where they took place.

(2) The starting point for your walks can be right outside your hotel – on request.

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