A data-base for Touristes
“All you can see section” is a database of several hundred useful tourist information and addresses. It is divided into 10 sub-categories to make it easier to use.
How to use the maps
Click on the sub-category you’re interested in from the list above, or on the corresponding pictograms just below the map, to obtain full information on each of the addresses corresponding to an item in our database.
Each sub-category opens as a drop-down menu of items in that sub-category, in the center column, with corresponding location markers on the right-hand map. Clicking on a marker opens a window in the map with the address and photo of the location. Clicking on the photo in the window opens the article. Clicking on the article photo in the central column does the same. Clicking on “Search as I move the map” will only display locations within X m of your GPS position (if your cell phone has this function enabled).
Our database that grows with the needs of Visitors to Visitingparisbyyouself.fr and Visitingparisbyyouself.com
This list is not yet exhaustive, but is gradually growing in line with the needs of our new publications in English and in French. We’ve made a quick calculation: it would take almost 2 months, at a rate of 10 hours a day, with a succession of visits, to exhaust our list. So you have an almost unlimited choice to see what suits you best.
An article per Point of Interest (which we call a “Listing”)
But it’s not just a list we’re presenting, it’s also articles, each on a specific, in-depth topic, that we call Points of Interest. (point d’intérêt). They can be used as a database for knowledgeable VPBY visitors.
We also use them for the services we offer on the rest of our site: pre-organized stays (3. Stays from 1 to 10 days) or “à la carte” stays (7. Organizing a stay in Paris), choice of hotels according to neighborhood (4. Where to stay?), in-depth, detailed self-guided walks (5. Self-guided walks and cruises), art photos and souvenir photos, French-style craft courses, etc.
A serious, accurate and well-documented information base
Each Point of Interest is described in an article, with the main information required: a brief description, historical and current references, anecdotes if necessary, GPS coordinates, telephone, how to get there and its location on the map, opening/closing times and ticket booking service if applicable, etc.
Now it is time to go to the next item : 3. Stays from 1 to 10 days
Tourists visiting Paris come from all over the world. Not all of them understand English or French perfectly. As a courtesy to them, and to enable them to fully appreciate the wealth of information on our site, we have opted to translate it into the 21 languages available by simply clicking on English in the top right-hand corner. All our readers will be able to make the most of their stay in Paris.
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