Visiting Paris, your personal travel agent in your pocket

Visiting Paris with VisitingParisByYourself site lets you organize your trip to Paris, simply and professionally. In addition, you remain the main actor and the only decision-maker.

A simple idea and a lot of travel experiences

Visiting Paris By Yourself started with a simple idea and our traveling experience showed us how to proceed.

You can’t explore Paris and enjoy every minute of your stay if you don’t know in advance, a minimum of what Paris is and the habits of its inhabitants: after all, they are French and sometimes difficult to understand!


Moreover, why not push your exploration of Paris a little further than the minimum, when still at home? If we give you more useful and easily accessible information about Paris, you will be surely able to manage your trip. It will be as if, after consulting VisitingParisByYourself, you have already been to Paris several times. And once there, it will be like extending in vivo what you know in part.

Finally, if you become an “expert” on Paris, you need only a few more tools to organize, plan your trip, and finally make all the necessary reservations by yourself. The tools are there, on this site.

VisitingParisByYourself then becomes your personal travel agency and you, a professional of Paris.


The strong points of VisitingParisByYourself

Visiting Paris By Yourself is all that :

  1. A “database” on Paris, on what can be seen and visited. Of course, it is not only a list of museums, churches and cathedrals, bridges, towers: each item is documented, photographed, classified – all of this can be found in “All you can see in Paris“.
  2. It is also a presentation of everything you need to know about Paris. This is found in VisitingParisByYourself under “Preparing your trip to Paris” which refers you to other articles on the site for details. For example, what to see in 3 days of visit in Paris? Or which season to choose for your stay? Opening hours of the Louvre?
  3. In addition, it is a pre-selection of hotels so that you can choose according to what you want to see in Paris, the type of stay you are aiming for. But first, you get a description of the neighborhood where the proposed hotels are located. We also have a calculator that optimizes the travel distances between your chosen hotel and the sites you wish to visit – to limit your fatigue. “Find your lodging” category
  4. Moreover, Paris is best visited by walking. In addition to optimize the itineraries from your hotel, we have planned short walks from the main museums – or even from your hotel, as long we know its address. Each walk is commented via your cell phone, like a “human” guide with links to our database for points of interest, historical or not. “Self-guided tours” is the place to go for this.
  5. For all the information you are interested in and if you want to make a reservation, you have the link to make the reservation immediatly. Reservations are made for flights, hotels, restaurants, museums and monuments, shops. In a separate section, all reservations that can be made through our site, are repeated a second time in the section “Reservations“.

As you can see, VisitingParisByYourself is a lot more than a simple travel agency or a tour operator.

What is Visiting Paris By Yourself site?

If VisitingParisByYourself is not a travel agency or a tour operator, what is it?

  • It is first your Consulting site to organize your own trip to Paris, according to your tastes and desires – and on the basis of continuously updated information. All the answers to questions related to a stay in Paris – and only in Paris, not for all the capitals of the world!
  • Then it puts at your disposal all the tools used by travel agencies with the knowledge and precise professional advice. Our staff is both French and American, living in Paris and the United States.
  • Finally, VisitingParisByYourself allows you to make, from a single site, all the reservations corresponding to your choices in terms of travel, accommodation, catering, visits, immediately and directly from your PC.

To learn more about what VisitingParisByYourself can do for you, click on Preparing your trip to Paris directly and easily from home

If you have questions or are interested by a specific topic, please provide feedback and we will do our best to satisfy

We will respond to you within 48 hours in French or English – but your question can be in one of the 21 languages ​​on our site.