Short description

Customer rating : 5,00 - Simply magnificent! First admire the dome from below, then go up to the 5th floor to scan a QR Code for free 5-minute access to the glass walkway overlooking the center of the store... From there, a 360° view of the dome overhead...

  • Galeries Lafayette Haussmann, 40 boulevard Haussmann, Paris, 75009, France

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Open hours

Regular opening/closing times

  • Coupole, L'Homme and Maison stores are open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 8:30pm, Sundays and public holidays from 11am to 8pm.
  • Magasin Gourmet: open Monday to Saturday from 9:30am to 9:30pm, Sundays and public holidays from 11am to 8pm.

Exceptional openings/closures

  • December 23, 24, 30 and 31, 2023: The terrace will be exceptionally inaccessible
  • December 23 and 30, 2023: Galeries Lafayette Le Gourmet will be exceptionally open from 9am to 9:30pm.
  • December 24 and 31, 2023: Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann, Galeries Lafayette Le Gourmet/Maison and Magasin de l'Homme will be open from 11am to 6pm.
  • December 25 and January 1, 2024: Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann, Galeries Lafayette Le Gourmet/Maison and Magasin de l'Homme stores will be closed.

Galeries Lafayette
40 Boulevard Haussmann
75009 PARIS

  • Metro: Opéra (lines 3, 7 and 8), Chaussée d'Antin (lines 7 and 9) and Havre Caumartin (lines 3 and 9), Trinité (line 12)
  • RER: line A (Auber station) et E (Haussmann Saint Lazare
  • Bus: 20, 21, 22, 42, 53, 66, 68, 81, 95
  • Parking lots: Haussmann Berri, Haussmann Galeries (entrance at corner of Bld Haussmann and Mogador street)

Galeries Lafayette dome
40 Bd Haussmann
75009 Paris 48.87368 2.33224

Coordinates Latitude Longitude
Sexagesimal (°, ', ") 48° 52′ 25″ N 2° 19′ 56″ E
Degré décimal (GPS) 48.87368 2.33224
Full description

The Galeries Lafayette dome in the Galeries Lafayette Haussmann store, has become an iconic Parisian landmark, admired every year by the store's 37 million visitor-customers.

The origins of the Galeries Lafayette Cupola

The aim was to give light and cachet to the Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann flagship store, and in particular to the marvelous gilded balconies designed by Louis Majorelle. This great master of Art Nouveau also created the monumental banister of the main staircase. It was removed from the store in 1974 to reorganize the exhibitions on the first floor.

Construction of the Coupole

On October 8, 1912, the huge Art Nouveau cupola was inaugurated. A circular structure, its highest point is 43 meters above the ground. The glass dome is crowned by ten concrete pillars. Théophile Bader liked to use very modern materials for the time, as well as reinforced cement on the upper floors. Théophile Bader was one of two cousins from Alsace (along with Alphonse Kahn) who joined forces in 1893 to take over the "Nouveautés" business that was to become Galeries Lafayette.

The Galeries Lafayette dome construction technique

Architect Ferdinand Chanut designed the famous dome. Forty-three meters high, it is topped by a metal lantern and has a metal structure. A metal ring supplied by Moisant-Laurent-Savey rests on ten circular concrete pillars rising from the first floor.

At a time when the introduction of reinforced cement was still met with reluctance, Galeries Lafayette was the first department store to be built entirely with this material.

The Coupole, which can be admired from inside, is in fact covered by a glass roof, which also ensures the building's watertight integrity. Access between the glass roof and the dome enables maintenance and inspection. This access is periodically open to the public.

The Galeries Lafayette Cupola: an emblem of Art Nouveau

The decorations were created by masters of the Nancy school: Édouard Schenck (metal beams sculpted with floral motifs), Jacques Grüber (neo-Byzantine stained glass) and Louis Majorelle (ironwork for balconies and triple flight staircases).
Built by master stained-glass artist Jacques Grüber in an "Art nouveau" or "Art déco" style, the Dome is a veritable architectural jewel, attracting crowds from all over the world.
Today's stained-glass windows take the form of an immense flower made up of 10 beams, totalling 1000m². The Coupole is a must-see when visiting Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann.
Over the years, it has become an emblematic feature of Paris, on a par with historic monuments such as the Eiffel Tower, the Sacré Coeur and the Arc de Triomphe. It will delight architecture enthusiasts or those who want to take a nice souvenir photo of their visit to Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann.
For almost 110 years, La Coupole has kept pace with the department store's evolutions and renovations, including successive extensions and hazards.

The Galeries Lafayette during the Second World War : to protect the Coupole

It was this particular event that led to its dismantling during the Second World War. The dome was dismantled to prevent it from shattering in the event of bombing, but also to prevent the stained glass windows from injuring people in the event of breakage.

Despite careful numbering during dismantling, not all the windows were found. The missing windows were replaced by entirely white ones. La Coupole is therefore not exactly the same as when it was created.

Restoration of La Coupole

The aim of this major renovation was to restore this Art Nouveau jewel to its former splendor, in response to the need for modernization and restoration.
Stained glass windows still in good condition were simply removed and taken to the Paris workshops of La Maison du Vitrail, the company in charge of the project, for cleaning. The lead crimps were refurbished to ensure that the various pieces of mosaic would hold together. Stained-glass windows undergoing renovation are replaced by temporary plates.
La Maison du Vitrail took charge of the renovation and solidification of the dome, giving it a new lease of life and restoring it to its former glory. After renovation, the glass dome should still have a bright future ahead of it, and can be admired for many years to come. It is one of the most visited monuments in Paris.
The renovation was carried out according to a very precise schedule. The first phase, involving restoration of the stained glass windows and replacement of the white glass, was completed in October 2020.

The second phase focused on removing the old glass roof and installing the new one, and was completed in April 2021.

The Galeries Lafayette Coupole project in figures

135 tonnes of steel structure
1,000 m2 of glass roof (665 panes)
1,400 m2 of Coupole
700 m2 of stained glass
700 m2 of white glass
The project required 200 nights' work, 45 contractors, restoration of the stained glass windows, replacement of the white glass and the glass roof above the dome. While we're at it, the hall's decoration and gilding were also refurbished.
The overall budget is in the millions of euros, but Galeries Lafayette management remains discreet about the precise cost of the work.
To avoid disturbing customers' peace and quiet, the work was carried out at night to ensure total discretion.

The end of the renovation of the Galeries Lafayette Coupole

In spring 2021, the famous Coupole at Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann will complete its renovation, bringing to a close a major project lasting over two years, one of the most important that the flagship of Boulevard Haussmann has seen since its creation.
After renovation, the Coupole appears much brighter, more imposing, more impressive, even warmer, than before. It's like being in a cathedral. "This is the first time the Coupole has been renovated since it was built in 1912," explains Eric Costa, President of Citynove, Galeries Lafayette's property company.

"We removed the electrical and hydraulic networks installed over time in the inter-coupole, which obstructed the natural light."

The historic Cupola flooded the store with bluish and glowing hues

Originally, the Coupole built in 1912 illuminated the store with bluish and reddish hues, propagated by the stained-glass windows designed by Jacques Grüber.

Programmable lighting devices and motorized lifting points were added for event-driven operations. 1.7 km and 80 Led ribbon spotlights were installed. 30 tonnes of glass were deposited during the works, which involved 45 contractors.

One of the special events took place from April 14 to October 29, 2023. Korean conceptual artist Kimsooja took up the color challenge with her installation entitled To Breath. By covering the transparent structure of the dome with a diffractive film, light is broken down into an infinite number of colors. Under the effect of the sun's rays, the work undergoes a metamorphosis over the course of hours, resulting in the ephemeral creation of iridescent ripples. This gentle contemplation continued with a vertiginous visit to the space between the two domes, to get a closer look at this artificial rainbow, while listening to the sound of the artist's breathing, broadcast throughout the space.

An unusual view from the Galeries Lafayette dome: the Glasswalk

All you have to do is climb up the Glasswalk. It's an unusual viewpoint beneath the Galeries Lafayette dome. It's a walkway installed to allow you to appreciate the magnificent dome, and to give yourself a little scare by observing the void beneath your feet (the end of the walkway is totally transparent and allows you to see the ground-floor hall below, on the 3rd floor. Make your way to the 3rd floor, where there may be a bit of a queue (the number of people allowed on the footbridge is limited to 8). For a taste of what's in store click on Vidéo Glasswork des Galeries Lafayette. It's best to reserve an access time by clicking on Glasswalk. 

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