What you can see

This section “What you can see” in Paris is divided in types of interest: monuments, museums, churches and a few more. Each one contains a record of each of them, with a short description, its location on the map, opening and closing hours and reservation if required, etc. By going through the lists, you just have to point out what you would like to see. Your choice will be transferred on the attached map of Paris. However, do not forget that you will be able to visit or look between 3 and 10 spots per day in Paris, not more.
In addition, the map will show you the “Epicenter”, which is the point of shortest distance of all the different things you want to see. By choosing later your hotel near the Epicenter, you will avoid too long walks and useless tiring. Of course, you can anytime change your first choices and the map will correct itself.
To guide you even more, we made in this section a post you will reach by clicking on “How to choose what you want to see or visit in Paris”. You will get information to organize your 1st visit in Paris, or a stay of 1 day, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more days. We will list for you “The 20 most visited museums, monuments and places in Paris” or the “Monuments, churches not to be missed, the “Unusual monuments” and the “Intesting things for children”.
It is in the next section “Find your hotel” that you will complete the planning of your trip. You will get information on the seasons, the kind of travel you plan (touristic, romantic, business, etc.) to help you select your hotel. And as an additional exclusivity the “Epicenter calculator” will define hotels in a radius you choose around the Epicenter or even around any point of Paris you want. From the section “Find your Hotel” you can also easily make your hotel reservation by a click.

One to 10 day stays

July 14th, France’s national holiday – Origin, evolution, history

France’s national holiday, July 14, which dates back only to 1880, refers to both the Bastille Day of July 14, 1789 and the Fête de la Fédération of July 14, 1790, i.e. to the French Revolution. How are we to understand all this? To book airfares to Paris or stays in Paris, please click here for a special deal. The storming of the Bastille and preparations for the Fête de

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Guided Walks

20 departures for walks, self-guided, in Touristic Paris

20 departures for walks and to organize your visit to Paris. Self-guided walks. These walks should be seen as a complement to the monuments, museums and cathedrals that are essential parts of any stay in Paris. They are indispensable for tourists who want to go beyond the usual clichés in their knowledge of Paris and Parisians. These are relaxing and instructive walks, “interspersed” with “gourmet” relaxation breaks. To book airfares

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20 Self-guided walks

Climate in France: what to expect during your stay

France’s climate is not uniform. Although France is only 1000 km from north to south, and slightly less from east to west, the climate, while not radically different from one region to another, does have its differences due to the country’s particular geographical position within Europe. It’s a good idea to be aware of these if you’re a tourist, so that you can make the necessary clothing and other arrangements

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One to 10 day stays

France in a nutshell – the essentials in 15 minutes

“France in a nutshell” is designed for tourists visiting France and Paris who want to know more than the usual clichés. It’s an overall description of France, not exhaustive but rich enough to give you a precise idea of the country and its people. It wasn’t an easy task to write, as France is average in many respects: in geographical size, in the economy, in the number of inhabitants. But

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20 Self-guided walks

Weather forecast of Paris, to 15 days, 3 months trends

Weather forecast of Paris is one of the most important elements of your stay. Although Paris enjoys a temperate climate that is pleasant for its inhabitants, the seasons are differentiated and marked differences from day to day are often the case. But what’s important for you as a tourist is that the weather during your stay is suitable for what you want to see and visit.We’ll show you where you

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

3-day-Paris-stay n°1 – Organization and booking before you leave home

This “3-day Paris stay n°1” was a difficult one to organize. It’s very little time indeed for what we wanted to show you of Paris. A visit of Paris could last for months without ever exhausting all the opportunities for “sights”, visits and history that Paris offers. So you need to play tight with your time and not waste it, and have a method for choosing what you want to

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

Shopping on the Champs-Elysées : list of 100 shops to visit

Shopping on the Champs-Elysées is a dream for many tourists. And to make your visit easier, we’ve selected the 100 shops most popular with the tourists who came before you. And we present these stores in a variety of ways, for you to choose from: How we selected the 100 stores featured The shops we recommend are rated from 1 to 5, and we’ve eliminated from our lists those rated

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20 Self-guided walks

Relaxation breaks on the way to the Sacré-Cœur by Montmartre-sud

Relaxation breaks on the way to the Sacré-Cœur are always welcome when you visit the hill of Montmartre, a steep neighborhood with narrow streets. We have planned 3 self-guided walks of the Butte Montmartre, and for each of them, 13 to 25 points of interest. In addition, each walk is punctuated with relaxation breaks at the shops along the way. Map of the 3 walks on the Butte Montmartre Voir

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Find your lodging

What to know before visiting Paris ? Tips and tricks

What to know before visiting Paris ? When you live in Paris for a while, you learn to live like a Parisian. That is, to do certain things and not others. But these “rules” almost necessarily apply to visitors who are immersed for a few days in the Parisian whirlwind. The following is a kind of crash course to prepare you for a pleasant and stress-free stay. For your convenience,

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

How to climb the Butte-Montmartre, without getting tired

How to climb the Butte-Montmartre ? It is not very high (130 m). However, one goes from 70 m (Bottom of the Butte) to the highest point over a distance of about 500 m. This means that the streets are quite steep. Personal cars – and private buses – are not allowed on its narrow streets. If you want to visit the Butte Montmartre it is wise to know what

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

Self-guided walk so easy to use, by VPBY

Self-guided walk of our site Visiting Paris by Yourself (VPBY) are the most complete, economical and fun way to get to know Paris: 1. Visiting with a guide is the supposedly best way for sightseeing tours. But it comes at a cost, and must fit into a set schedule: your guide’s availability.2. Walking or biking (or riding a scooter) through the streets of Paris is the ideal way to see and appreciate many more

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

July 14th in Paris: what to see – what to avoid

July 14th in Paris, the day of the national holiday! It is an event not only for the French.In the collective mind, it goes back to the French Revolution of 1789, which is false. However, it is quite a symbol. It is the occasion for events in which everyone can participate, even those who are just passing through France, like tourists. Below is a summary of everything that happens in

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Cruise-on-the-Seine in Paris, choose services, embarkation port and price

Cruises on the romantic Parisian-canals – Just exit the metro

Cruises on the romantic Parisian-canals are also part of the Parisian cruises that are not limited to cruises on the Seine. We present here less known, more intimate and so romantic cruises … And yet, these cruises start in the City of Paris: you will take one of these boats by taking the metro first, as simple as that and the port of embarkment is at the exit of the

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Cruise-on-the-Seine in Paris, choose services, embarkation port and price

Cruise-on-the-Seine in Paris, choose services, embarkation port and price

A “Cruise-on-the-Seine” is one of the privileged and awaited moments by the tourists. It is indeed difficult to visit Paris without taking a tour on the Seine, because the view on the city is totally different: it is a relaxing synthesis of monuments, museums and other historical or not buildings, which mark the course of the boats. You wish a cruise-promenade, a romantic outing, an exceptional event or simply a

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Find your lodging

Visiting Paris the 1st time – for 2 days or more

Visiting Paris the 1st time is a unic and special stay. It has to be a succès. Its duration should be at least 2 days, even if you follow our recommendations below to approach your stay “efficiently” from your first day. We suggest you to choose among 4 options and 6 solutions to apply from your arrival and avoid the rush of the end of your stay which will always

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

Non-French-speaking tourists : don’t miss out on anything when visiting Paris

The fear of many non-French-speaking tourists is to make themselves understood when they are in France. However, the solution is within reach, without even having to learn French. We explain below the reasons for our optimism. Foreign languages, the Tower of Babel complex and French language for non-French-speaking tourists There are about 6900 languages in the world today. The French language is known to be quite difficult. It’s official: UNESCO

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

Which season to choose for your next stay Paris?

Your next stay in Paris must be a success. The weather will certainly be an important factor. And to stack the odds in your favor, it’s a good idea to be familiar with the different seasons. But before describing them and illustrating them with photos, we’d like to “train” you in the Paris climate, starting with today’s weather in Paris (which you can follow over the coming days) and how

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

Preparing your trip to Paris directly and easily from home

Preparing for your trip to Paris is mandatory. It is a large capital city that has gone through centuries of history which have left its mark. So many, many things have to be seen. Choices to be made, necessarily, when preparing your trip to Paris! You will not be able to see all Paris has to offer in a few days, probably not even in one year. It means you

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