Overview of Paris

One to 10 day stays

Notre-Dame-de-Paris the rebirth 800 years after its construction

Notre-Dame-de-Paris, the rebirth after years of meticulous restoration. The world-famous Notre-Dame de Paris has once again opened its doors, standing as a symbol of resilience, heritage, and human ingenuity. The devastating fire of April 15, 2019, which engulfed the cathedral’s roof and sent its iconic spire crashing down, shocked millions worldwide. The restoration of Notre-Dame-de-Paris aimed to restore the cathedral to its pre-fire state while also improving its structural integrity

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4th arrondissement of Paris : the Bas-Marais

The 4th arrondissement of Paris is one of the city’s most historic and vibrant districts, located on the Right Bank of the Seine. It is home to iconic landmarks, picturesque streets, and a mix of medieval charm and modern energy. The Marais district is partly in the 4th arrondissement (It is then sometimes called “the Bas-Marais”), the rest of the Marais is in the 3rd arrondissement, just to the north

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Overview of Paris

Louis XVI’s death on the guillotine at only 39

Louis XVI’s death on the guillotine. He was only 39 years old. Born Louis-Auguste de France, Comte de Berry, was not the natural pretender to the throne when he was born on August 23, 1754. The reigning king Louis XV had a son Louis de France who died on December 20, 1765, and the future Louis XVI also had two older brothers, the Duc de Bourgogne (1751-1761) and Xavier de

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Cultural places

2000 years history of France, 13 political figures who made it

2000 years history of France. But the history of what became France began much earlier. In the Palaeolithic period. At the Bois-de-Riquet site in Lézignan-la-Cèbe, Hérault, one of the oldest known human traces on French soil was discovered, dated between 1.1 and 1.2 million years ago. From 350,000 years ago, Neanderthal man was present in France. From 42,000 years ago, Homo sapiens arrived in France and occupied the territories of

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One to 10 day stays

Notre-Dame de Paris, the novel by Victor Hugo

Notre-Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo is a sweeping, dramatic novel set in 15th-century Paris, centered around the majestic Notre-Dame Cathedral. Victor Hugo wrote his manuscript between September 1830 and January 1831. The story is set in Paris in 1482. The novel consists of fifty-nine chapters divided into eleven books of unequal length.You will find below a structured summary that captures the essence of the novel highlighting major characters, themes,

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One to 10 day stays

Notre-Dame reconstruction after the fire, for the next centuries

Notre-Dame reconstruction, after it has been made safe between 2019 and 2021, has been a huge undertaking, most of it over 50 m above ground, with the spire reaching a height of 96 m. It was also a time of prowess in the art of restoring works of art damaged in the fire. Last but not least, it was a meticulous and intelligent organization of a worksite, with over 500

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

Notre Dame in fire – What happened ? Which consequences ?

The fire at Notre Dame in the late afternoon of April 15, 2019 came as a shock to the whole world. The fire broke out at around 6:20 pm. The central spire, added in the 19th century by architect Viollet-Leduc, collapsed into the nave at 8pm, live on most prime-time TV news. The French were stunned. And the rest of the world learns of it during the night and the

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Cruise-on-the-Seine in Paris, choose services, embarkation port and price

Cruise-on-the-Seine in Paris, choose services, embarkation port and price

A “Cruise-on-the-Seine” is one of the privileged and awaited moments by the tourists. It is indeed difficult to visit Paris without taking a tour on the Seine, because the view on the city is totally different: it is a relaxing synthesis of monuments, museums and other historical or not buildings, which mark the course of the boats. You wish a cruise-promenade, a romantic outing, an exceptional event or simply a

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

French meals – Customs and gastronomic guides – Eating the French way

French meals and restaurants: when you visit Paris or France, it will be an important topic. You will be confronted with the habits and customs of its inhabitants. And of course, the importance of the table being what it is for a French person, it will be to these “eating” habits that you will be regularly reminded. You might as well know them and possibly apply them during your stay.

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

Pharmacies open at night and in your neighborhood – Locations

Pharmacies open at night and pharmacies near where you are now, can be found in this post : 1. Opening hours of the pharmacies located near where you are 2. Pharmacies open late at night, in the evening or even all night (Check by calling) 3. Pharmacies normally opened on Sundays 4. Pharmacies on duty on Sundays and public holidays Pharmacy opening rules On week days and Saturdays, pharmacies are

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

Preparing your trip to Paris directly and easily from home

Preparing for your trip to Paris is mandatory. It is a large capital city that has gone through centuries of history which have left its mark. So many, many things have to be seen. Choices to be made, necessarily, when preparing your trip to Paris! You will not be able to see all Paris has to offer in a few days, probably not even in one year. It means you

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Find your lodging

Visiting Paris, your personal travel agent in your pocket

Visiting Paris with VisitingParisByYourself site lets you organize your trip to Paris, simply and professionally. In addition, you remain the main actor and the only decision-maker. A simple idea and a lot of travel experiences Visiting Paris By Yourself started with a simple idea and our traveling experience showed us how to proceed. You can’t explore Paris and enjoy every minute of your stay if you don’t know in advance,

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