Walk Pigalle to Sacré-Coeur by south of Montmartre Hill

Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

Three-days-in-Paris : stay program n°1 – Ready organized before you leave

This “three-days-in-Paris : stay program n°1” was a difficult one to organize. It’s very little time indeed for what we wanted to show you of Paris, a visit that could last for months without ever exhausting all the opportunities for “sights”, visits and history that Paris offers. So you need to play tight with your time and not waste it, and have a method for choosing what you want to

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Find your lodging

Montmartre Hotels – Choice, affordable prices for your Paris stay

Hotels in Montmartre are in high demand. But it’s hard to find one that is both affordable and offers quality service. However, they do exist and we have compiled a list of the best hotels classified by number of stars, commented and rated so that you can choose the best of them in all knowledge. How our list of recommended hotels is made by VPBY Our goal is to offer

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Relaxation breaks
20 Self-guided walks

Relaxation breaks to walk down Montmartre hill without fatigue

Relaxation breaks to walk down Montmartre are always appreciated: it is usually at the end of the day after hours of walk, visits and shopping. Fortunately the relaxation breaks on the western side of the Montmartre hill that we recommend you to take are numerous and varied. You can even combine your return with our walk Musée-de-Montmartre to Pigalle which follows this route. We have planned also 2 more self-guided

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20 Self-guided walks

Relaxation breaks on the way to the Sacré-Cœur by Montmartre-sud

Relaxation breaks on the way to the Sacré-Cœur are always welcome when you visit the hill of Montmartre, a steep neighborhood with narrow streets. We have planned 3 self-guided walks of the Butte Montmartre, and for each of them, 13 to 25 points of interest. In addition, each walk is punctuated with relaxation breaks at the shops along the way. Map of the 3 walks on the Butte Montmartre Voir

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20 Self-guided walks

Relaxation breaks on the Butte-Montmartre top of Paris walk

Butte-Montmartre relaxation breaks are always welcome when you visit this sloping neighborhood with its narrow streets. We have planned 3 self-guided walks of the Butte and for each one, relaxation breaks at the shopkeepers, along the walks or strolls. Map of our 3 walks on the Butte Montmartre Voir en plein écran (To see the full screen map) What is a Relaxation breaks on the Butte-Montmartre ? These “Relaxation Breaks”

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Guided walks, Relaxation breaks and shopping, Cruises

How to climb the Butte-Montmartre, without getting tired

How to climb the Butte-Montmartre ? It is not very high (130 m). However, one goes from 70 m (Bottom of the Butte) to the highest point over a distance of about 500 m. This means that the streets are quite steep. Personal cars – and private buses – are not allowed on its narrow streets. If you want to visit the Butte Montmartre it is wise to know what

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