US Citizens to enter France : no visa required

US Citizens to enter France do not need a visa, but …. This is an exemptions for many countries governed by international agreements which ask for a visa.

However, entry into France is not totally free. There are administrative rules that require all foreign nationals to provide additional supporting documents, even for short stays of maximum 90 days . Without them, entry at the border is forbidden.

These rules are commun in all the Schengen Area countries. Please note that once entry controls have been completed at the entry in one of the 29 states of the Schengen area, you will be able to travel freely between these states, without being checked again.

Documents required as a US Citizens to enter France


The following documents must be presented on arrival by US citizens to enter France. It is true that all these documents, with the exception of the passport, will rarely be checked. However, this is at the discretion of the border police, who may refuse you entry to France if any of these documents are missing:


      • A valid passport, issued within the last 10 years and valid for at least 3 months after the planned date of departure;

      • A valid visa, when required. US Citizens coming from the US don’t need it.

      • Proof of accommodation for the entire duration of the stay (hotel reservation and/or proof of accommodation with a relative, validated in advance by the relative’s local town hall);

      • Sufficient financial resources (see next paragraph for details). Means of subsistence are assessed on the basis of the length and purpose of the stay, and with reference to average food and accommodation prices in member states;

      • Your return ticket or proof of sufficient financial means to purchase one on the date of your planned return;

      • Any document giving details of the traveler’s profession or status, as well as the establishments or organizations located on French territory by which you are expected to travel, if you are on a business trip.

    For France, the amount of sufficient resources for your stay to be justified

    The amount required for all Schengen countries varies from state to state. It applies when a visa is required to enter France, or even when a visa is not necessary :


        • 65 euros per day of stay if a hotel reservation is submitted;

        • 120 euros per day if a hotel reservation is not submitted;

        • In the case of a partial hotel reservation: 65 euros per day for the period covered by the reservation and 120 euros per day for the remainder of the stay.

        • If you’re staying with a private individual, you’ll need to provide a “attestation d’accueil(1) issued by the town hall at the request of the person inviting you (nb: when crossing the border, you’ll also need to provide proof that you’re in possession of a minimum sum per day of stay, in addition to your “attestation d’accueil” – this minimum sum is 32.50 euros per day).

        • You must be in possession of an insurance certificate covering all medical, hospital and death-related expenses likely to be incurred during your stay in France, including repatriation for medical reasons (See below).

      (1) You need to make an appointment online with your local town hall. The original application form (cerfa n°10798) is given to you at the town hall counter. You’ll need to fill it in and sign it at your appointment.
      One form must be completed for each foreign national. However, the foreign national’s spouse and minor children may appear on the same “attestation d’accueil

      A guarantee of payment of potential medical expenses must be provided

      For Nationals out of the Schengen area (as it is the case for US Citizens), you must provide a certificate from your insurance company. But that is often difficult for the French authorities to verify it.

      If you don’t have any documents – or invalid – you can of course pay in advance by credit card. But if you have to be hospitalized, the sums involved can be considerable – in any case much lower than those charged in the USA for similar care.

      US-citizens-to-enter -france-visa-free entry to France-invoice-not-paid

      The easiest way is to contract an inexpensive private travel insurance company for the duration of your trip. Click on “Travel insurance” for a choice of policy proposals that you can sign directly online.

      To book a airfare to Paris from any city, please click below link to find special deals:

      Flights from Los Angeles to Paris |

      Comparison of medical costs in the USA and France
      Consultation costs: A consultation with a general practitioner can cost between $100 and $300, far more than in France (€30 for a general practitioner in sector 1).
      Hospitalization: Hospitalization costs in the U.S. are among the highest in the world. A day in hospital can cost several thousand dollars, compared with an average of around €1,500 in France (based on actual costs before reimbursement).
      Dental and optical care: Dental and optical care are also much more expensive. A dental crown can cost between $1,000 and $3,000 in teh US, compared with €500 to €1,000 in France.
      The medical “tourism” organized in France : french medical groups and world-renowned professors organize programmed care for targeted pathologies on the base of a treatment estimate and paid directly by the patient

      There have been (and still are) many abuses by foreigners coming to France for free medical treatment on a simple tourist stay. At the beginning of 2023, Paris hospitals alone had 90 million euros in unpaid bills from foreign patients (including 15 million euros owed to Algeria) “who come to Paris for treatment on their own initiative, because they have connections with this or that professor, or are referred by their health insurance fund, their embassy or insurance organizations…”. To this battalion of 7,500 patients, we must add the 21,000 poor people who pay nothing, who are in an irregular situation, and who often receive state medical aid.
      This is a slight improvement. In 2014, this debt amounted to 120 million euros to the Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris. Algeria was already in the lead with 31.6 million euros, followed by Morocco (11 million), the United States (5.7 million), Belgium (4.9 million), Tunisia (4.7 million) and Italy (4.1 million).

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